Finally, a non-opioid, non-invasive solution to chronic pain that works! (with no side effects)

You've tried everything - physical therapy, hot and cold packs, chiropractics, cortisol shots, behavioral therapies, frying or freezing nerves, opioids, neuroleptics, some-drug-you-can't-pronounce, maybe even tried alternative medicine, implantable neurostimulators or been driven towards amputation. Just to get the pain to stop, go away, and to stop ruling over your life.

If your pain is neurologic and/or oncologic chronic pain, Scrambler Therapy has an 80%-90% chance of giving you your life back.

Chronic pain keeping you from living the life you want?

Conditions below familiar? Scrambler Therapy is effective in treating:

  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

  • Brachial Plexus Neuropathy

  • Non cancer pain such as neuropathic back pain

  • Sciatic and Lumbar Pain

  • Low Back Pain (LBP)

  • Endometriosis

  • Post-mastectomy Pain

  • Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)

  • Bone Metastases

  • Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS)

  • Chronic Neuropathic Pain Opioid Addiction

  • Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)

  • Pancreas and Abdominal Cancer Pain

  • Chronic Cancer Pain

  • Brachial Plexus Neuropathy

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

  • Post-Herpetic Pain (Shingles pain)

  • Chronic Neuropathic Pain

  • Spinal Cord Stenosis

  • Trigeminal Nerve Pain

....and many more. If you've been diagnosed with chronic, neurologic or oncologic pain, Scrambler Therapy may be the treatment solution you've been looking for.

There's a New and Better Way to Treat Chronic Pain!

Scrambler Therapy is a new, innovative, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment solution for chronic neuropathic and oncologic pain that's 80%-90% effective in reducing and in many cases, eliminating the pain.

FDA approved in 2009 and now supported with a decade of independent clinical research at Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, and MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Patients Love Scrambler Therapy Technology

"For over 22 years, right hip pain plagued me due to Osteoarthritis. Medications like Norco® and a Fentanyl Patch left me sluggish and drugged. When the pain spread to my back and hands, meds weren't an option anymore. My doctor mentioned Scrambler Therapy®. After 6 months of waiting, I tried it. To my disbelief, the first treatment relieved my pain. My fingers went from claw like to functional, and life became manageable again. I restore antiques using my hands daily, and Scrambler Therapy® changed everything. Boosters make me feel even better. It's like a miracle—I've regained "ME." I cycle, ski, and live fully."

Gloria B. / Sandy, OR

"After my second session of Scrambler Therapy, I was at home and got up from a chair and got halfway across a room before I realized what I was doing. I Didn’t have any pain. I Didn’t struggle. I Didn’t grab my cane. I Didn’t think that was ever going to be possible again in my life.”

Tom / Portland, OR

"My chronic pain was so intense I lost my will to live. Over 30 doctors tried to alleviate the pain, but they could only provide slight, temporary relief. Over a two year timespan I went to over 350 medical visits, and had so many tests, injections, and nerve blocks I lost count. Then I learned of Scrambler Therapy. It sounded too good to be true given all the disappointments - I didn't believe there could be anything that could help. After 3 treatments I could walk normally again. By the end of the 10th treatment my pain was gone. Scrambler Therapy treatments, quite literally, saved my life."

Connor C. / McKinney, TX

“Had no hope of getting relief from the diabetic neuropathy in my feet. Now the pain,

burning and sensitivity is gone. Amazing.”

Bill / Portland, OR

"I felt so hopeless and helpless with my daughters chronic pain that was leaving her debilitated. Every option seemed worse than the next…surgery…possible addiction…drugs that would reduce her ability to live her life normally. We refused them all and we’re determined to grind it out with PT in hopes the pain would subside. We heard about scrambler therapy around 8 months into her ordeal. I was all for it…she was not. She was understandably afraid of it making her worse and also of me having paid the cost of it and it not working. Finally she agreed to at least give it a try. At first it really didn’t seem to be her answer. She experienced some relief, but it was minimal and short lived. We were encouraged by the stories of others success however so we decided to stick it out a while longer. On day nine while on the machine my daughter looked up and said that her pain was a “zero”. We got in the car to go home…both emotional. She looked me in the eye and said “it’s gone”. Chills ran down my spine. “What do you mean” I asked. “I mean it’s gone Mom. It’s not coming back.” She was right; it was gone and it has not come back. Scrambler therapy was nothing short of a miracle treatment for my daughter. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not grateful for her having her life back pain free."

Sarah C. / Phoenix, AZ

Doctors are Optimistic about Scrambler Therapy as Well

"...80-90% of patients have a favorable response [to Scrambler Therapy Technology]."

“’s effective, it’s non-invasive, it reduces opioid use substantially and it can be permanent.”

Dr Thomas Smith

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center

Find a Scrambler Therapy Treatment Provider Near You

There are over 80 locations in the US providing Scrambler Therapy services

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Download, print, and take the below flyer to your next doctor visit to see if Scrambler Therapy treatments are right for you

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What are Scrambler Therapy Treatments Like?

  • At the beginning of each treatment, the medical provider will sit with the patient and discuss the patient's diagnosis and identify the areas of pain.

  • One or more sets of electrodes are then positioned in a strategic pattern outside the areas of pain. The Scrambler Therapy device is turned on and power level slowly increased.

  • The patient will feel a tingling, pricking sensation underneath each electrode. The provider will increase the strength of the signal slowly until it reaches the level sufficient, yet not uncomfortable, for the patient's neural system to stop the feeling of pain.

  • If the patient's pain level does not hit zero, or near zero (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst), the provider will move the electrodes to different places that may be more optimal, and repeat turning on the machine.

  • Once the patient's pain reaches a level of zero, the patient can sit or lie down while the Scrambler Therapy machine delivers the new algorithm over the following 30 minutes.

  • Patients will come back for treatments every day until the pain has stayed away for 48 consecutive hours, which is an average of 10 treatment sessions.

Enjoy Key Topics and Information from our Blog

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Scrambler Therapy for Neuropathic Pain: A New Hope

April 19, 20247 min read

Are you tired of watching patients struggle with chronic neuropathic pain, feeling helpless to recommend a treatment without side effects, huge expenses, or long waitlists? You're not alone. Many medical professionals are on the lookout for innovative, effective solutions that go beyond the limitations of current neuropathic care—solutions that offer real hope without the downsides of drugs or surgery. If you want to transform the lives of those caught in the grip of persistent pain, you need to keep reading.

Neuropathic Pain: The Impact on Patient Lives

Every day, patients with neuropathic pain confront a reality that others can scarcely imagine. For many, the act of getting through your door is an accomplishment of sheer willpower. Their lives are overshadowed by relentless and often unseen agony. This pain, invisible to the eye but overwhelmingly present, chips away at their spirit, leaving them feeling isolated in their suffering. 

Imagine the strength it takes to face a world that keeps moving while you're trapped in a body that brings you nothing but pain.

For these patients, every moment is a reminder of what they've lost—mobility, independence, many of their hobbies and relationships. Even just the simple pleasures that once made life vibrant. 

Relationships can really take one of the biggest tolls; even ones that were once sources of strength can start to feel the strain of constant, unrelenting afflictions and canceled plans. It can leave the patient needing an advocate, someone they need to lean on who can truly understand and help them.

The treatments they've been offered—each with its own set of risks and side effects—can be a gamble, where the stakes are their hopes and dreams, and medical debts. And this is if any true options really exist.

In your practice, you witness the physical battles, and if you haven't closed your heart to it, you will see the emotional toll as well—the despair of those who have been told to "live with it," the fading light in eyes that once had dreams, ambitions, and the simple desire to enjoy a day free from pain. 

What we're doing is more than just medical treatment. It's about giving them their lives back. It's about understanding, empathy, and the search for a solution that can bring back a piece of themselves they thought was lost forever. You can be the help they need.

Scrambler Therapy: The Science Behind Revolutionary Pain Management

Scrambler Therapy utilizes a sophisticated algorithm to generate sequences of 'non-pain' signals. These signals are transmitted to the brain via electrodes placed on the skin. Unlike TENS, which primarily aims to interrupt pain signals through a uniform electrical pulse, Scrambler Therapy's signals are dynamically crafted to mimic the body's natural nerve messages, effectively retraining the brain's perception of pain.

This process leverages the principle of neuroplasticity, the brain's capability to rewire itself, offering a non-invasive route to altering pain pathways that have become dysregulated in chronic pain conditions. 

By directly communicating with the nervous system in its own language, Scrambler Therapy facilitates a reset of maladaptive pain patterns, leading to powerful pain relief without the need for drugs or surgery.

By focusing on the underlying neurological miscommunications that cause pain, rather than only treating symptoms, it opens up new avenues for long-term relief. This is a downfall of many conventional medical solutions, and it's a distinction that can be life-altering for patients. Even more so when they have already gone through traditional pain management methods and they've fallen short. 

For you as a medical provider, integrating Scrambler Therapy into your practice represents more than just an addition to your equipment—it's a commitment to addressing chronic pain at its root, offering your patients a path to recovery that is grounded in advanced understanding of pain neurobiology and free of the complications associated with many other treatment modalities. You have the capacity to help someone reclaim their life again. 

Clinical Evidence Supporting Scrambler Therapy

The effectiveness and safety of Scrambler Therapy have been rigorously tested and validated through clinical trials and studies conducted by some of the most prestigious medical institutions, including the Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Johns Hopkins. These studies provide compelling evidence of Scrambler Therapy's capacity to greatly alleviate chronic neuropathic pain.

 A number of key studies reviewed in the New England Journal of Medicine with the Mayo Clinic and Johhn Hopkins researchers documented substantial reduction in neuropathic pain patients felt following Scrambler Therapy sessions. The findings were not isolated; they echoed outcomes from a separate study at Johns Hopkins, which demonstrated a consistent decrease in pain intensity and improved quality of life for participants, too.

Results from clinical trials conducted at MD Anderson Cancer Center further strengthen the case for Scrambler Therapy's adoption into mainstream pain management. Here, researchers focused on oncologic patients, revealing that Scrambler Therapy effectively alleviated chronic chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a common but formidable condition to treat with conventional methods.

These studies collectively emphasize Scrambler Therapy's edge: its ability to provide powerful pain relief without the invasion or adverse side effects of pharmacological treatments or surgery. 

Backed by rigorous research and positive clinical outcomes, it stands as a validated, effective option for patients struggling with the debilitating effects of chronic neuropathic pain. It presents a new horizon in pain care that aligns with the highest patient safety standards and care quality.

Incorporating Scrambler Therapy into Clinical Practice

Integrating Scrambler Therapy into your practice sets a new standard in patient care while strategically positioning your practice as a leader in innovative, compassionate treatment options. This dual impact is achieved through a thoughtful implementation process that considers both the logistical and emotional aspects of care.

The device itself is compact and user-friendly, designed to fit seamlessly within the clinical setting without the need for extensive space or equipment modifications. We can work out a subscription style rate to add to the  accessibility of the technology that will give you the ability to truly transform the lives of your patients without the need to take out a large loan or deplete cash reserves. 

Part of implementation is training. Your team will undergo comprehensive training designed to ensure proficiency in Scrambler Therapy techniques. This hands-on training covers the operational aspects of the therapy device, patient assessment protocols, and optimal electrode placement to effectively target specific pain pathways. The goal is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to deliver this therapy with the highest standards of care.

Setting patient expectations is also a part of the implementation process to be noted. Patients typically undergo a series of treatments. Generally this is around 10 sessions, each lasting approximately 30-45 minutes. They can expect a non-invasive experience with minimal discomfort, making it an appealing option for those wary of more invasive pain management solutions.

Beyond the direct benefits to patients, Scrambler Therapy represents a viable financial model for your practice. Considering the advanced nature of the care provided, the cost per session is relatively low in comparison to the total cost of most pain management methods it is up against. Incorporating this therapy provides your practice with a valuable revenue stream. The device quickly proves its worth as satisfied patients share their success stories, driving referrals and increasing demand for this cutting-edge treatment.

Witnessing patients reclaim activities they thought were lost to pain, observing the restoration of hope and independence—that's where the true value lies, though. You're facilitating a journey back to self-sufficiency and joy… you’re reshaping lives! It is an invaluable service to be able to offer. By taking the steps to implement it, you elevate your practice while enriching the lives of both your patients and their families, forging lasting bonds of gratitude and trust.

Are you ready to get started? Have any questions? We’re here to help. You’re only a few clicks away from getting in touch to bring this revolutionary pain relief to your clinic!

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